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The NJFPA Stradley Ronon Food Forum

This series will focus on stories about the people changing the face of the food processing in the Garden State through innovation, hard work and lending a caring hand. The NJFPA will endeavor to tell the stories that might now get attention in other mainstream channels.

If this series inspires and provides actionable ideas, it will achieve its aims.

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Dec 5, 2022

Welcome to Season 3 of the NJFPA Stradley Ronan Food Forum! NJFPA member Whitepenny is a brand strategy and digital communications powerhouse. At our 2021 virtual conference Travis Coley, Managing Director at Whitepenny, and co-founder, Jon Cofsky talked about how their relationship with the Severino Pasta Company has...

Jun 15, 2021

Welcome to the seventh episode of the NJFPA Stradley Ronon Food Forum. In this episode, Todd Von Deak, Assistant Executive Director of NJFPA, speaks with Jon Cofsky, co-founder and creative director at Whitepenny. Todd and Jon talk about how your brand is more than your logo and the importance of personalization...